Sunday, August 19, 2012

Laugh it OFF

Good Sunday Evening to all of you.  I hope this day has been filled with rest, love, worship, joy and most of all....laughter.  This is Day 3 ( if you are keeping count) and given that it is Sunday...I have a well-established routine that goes something like this:  Church, lunch, errands, nap, more nap, followed by a nap (unless it is football season when it is Church, Lunch somewhere with TV's, quick errands, football with nap, nap, more football with nap...I think you get the picture.  So today started the same up and went to Church, went for a HEALTHY lunch, errands, no football (My Texans won yesterday), AND...this is where things get interesting...No Nap...instead got home, changed into my swimsuit and headed off to the Y-M-C-A!.  Seriously, this really happened.  I went to the Y where I worked out in the pool for 20 minutes, changed clothes and did some bike work for 15 minutes (2.5 miles on the bike).  It was great...though there are a few little observations I would like to make...One...when you are Fluffy...bathing suits are the Devil!!! Two...there are WAY too many mirrors at the Y. That's all...just needed to say that out loud! 

OK. So back to Church.  This morning we had a guest speaker, Susan O'Donnell, from KSBJ radio.  For those that do not know, Susan is the Program Director and On-Air personality with the popular Christian station here in the Houston area (actually located in my hometown of Humble, TX).  She has been at the station for 20+ years and there is one particularly fun detail about her...She is hilarious!  I have heard her speak before but today, her topic was Laughter and how laughter can positively impact our life, health and well-being..etc...She talked about studies that had been completed by Loma Linda University and Stanford U that scientifically prove that laughter is a great stress reducer, immune system booster, cardio workout and more.  More importantly, she talked about Laughter as a gift from God.  I love that.  I love to laugh, love to make people laugh and have depended on humor as a coping mechanism for my whole life. 
I have always believed that God gives us our sense of humor and we should USE it!  Lastly, it has been proven that laughter can increase heart rate, burn calories and help us lose I say...Laugh it OFF!!!

Tomorrow is Monday and will be a day of physical recovery for me...I don't want to break the ole' body down...but I will be posting whatever great things God has in store for me tomorrow. 

A few Blessings before I go:  When I got home on Friday evening, the following was posted on the door I use everyday to go to and from work, play, etc...

Made by my Momma...she cracks me up and I love, love, love the support.  It works too!!! It has my slogan, pics of Misty May and Kerri Walsh...the whole enchilada ( no enchilada though...I swear).  You can't ask for a better Mom. 

Next, I received a gift from Emily (my niece-11 years old) and Harper ( my cousin-10 years old) that they picked out themselves.  Something that would encourage me everyday.  My orders are to hang this in my bedroom where I can see it every morning when I awake! 

Aren't kids the greatest...<3 my friends who are playing along on this Journey...let's make this a great week and Laugh our butts off...Literally!  Journey 120-"MaWa" Inspired!

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."  Proverbs 17:22 (ESV)


  1. I need to laugh (about 10 pounds worth).....good day for you!! A.C.

  2. Ok ok....I have used many excuses this summer to not walking program begins today!! Thanks Jaime !!
