So I feel like I am general, but specifically, in regards to posting here.
So much going on this last much going on this much more to come...
Really trying to keep my focus on my "new" diet and exercise plan...and staying healthy as I, along with some faithful friends/family, are kicking into fundraising/charity event planning gear!
Which of course, adds a new wrinkle to the whole, ever-evolving work/life balancing act!
Staying healthy has been a bit of a challenge lately as I am in a pattern of daily migraine headaches again...but as they say these days...."Ain't nobody got time for that"! Any extra anti-migraine prayers you might have to share would be most appreciated! I have said many times friends and family are often my Angels along this Journey. They pump me up...cheer me on...tolerate my whining....laugh WITH me and AT me and love me through each day!
This past weekend....I got a much needed dose of family to go along with my Soul Grooves class and time with some of my Angel friends...
These are the people that keep my Soul groovin'! Every Day...these are some of the reasons I am choosing a healthier life.
So despite the fact that I have been perfectly imperfect along this Journey....despite the fact that I have turned a year long weight loss Journey into an epic saga...
I still find that I have a courageous, funny, patient, really patient...troupe of kick butt Angels on my side...all around me!
Here are a few pics!
Rock on! Love you.