Friday, July 11, 2014

Living with a Light Heart

Today in and of itself, is a day that provides instantaneous UMPH...FRIDAY!!!  Ahhh...almost anything feels doable on Friday!.

I might just be one of those people that just might, lose sight of the joy in a moment...when I have a million things to do...and only 24 hours to work know what I am saying???

So Fridays seem to always ease some stress in my life...I guess because not having to be at work...means I only have 1/2 million things to do in a 24 hour period AND on the weekends I can spend a larger portion of my day in my PJs if I want to...THAT is a bonus!

My heart always seems a little lighter on Friday...which is always welcomed. 

Living with a Light Heart is kind of a bucket list item for me..LOL! 

I love those moments when I feel inspired, happy, goofy, and carefree.  I would just like to string an entire group of those single moments into consecutive moments over a long period of time!!!

So...if you have not figured it out...I am exhausted...goofy, and quite incapable of really writing anything of real value this evening...but I will leave you with a few of the things that made me feel Light Hearted this week...things that gave some great moments of UMPH!!!

From my friend Brig:

Emily has been at camp all week and everyday, I can go on the camp website and see if I can "see" her in pics!  Here are a couple.

Don't FORGET...(I will not let you...hehehe)

PLAY IT FORWARD-RALLY TO SERVE is just around the corner!!!


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