Wednesday, January 1, 2014

So Long 2013...Hello 2014

2013 is in the BOOKS... 2014 has officially begun...and I am ready.  Ready for another year of amazing new adventures, challenges conquered, pounds lost and prayers answered.

I started tonight...the celebration of tonight, at a special church service I have attended for many and on.  It is called a "Burning Bowl" service and the purpose is to still in God's presence and consider all that you would like to give over to...or release to God.

There is a brief message. ..some really good music...a time of quiet meditation and reflection...then we write down ALL of things we want to Give to God...once that is done...there is processional up to the altar and we drop our piece of paper into a fire. ..ceremoniously giving our worries...fears..."stuff" to God.

Now I must admit. ..the first time I attended this service...close to 20 years ago...I thought it was a bit out there...odd.  But over the is something that really has given me an opportunity to outwardly participate in the act of Letting Go and Letting has come to be a very peaceful, gentle way to end and start each year. 

So we attended tonight...Mom, Donna, Bill, Emily and I...tonight...I had several things to personally deliver to God's care...

The music was great...peaceful...I so wanted to share the lyrics I heard them...but I have not been able to find them.
SO...what I can tell you is that the music really resonated with the part of me that appreciates and understands the need to be still in order to connect with God.
The part of me that benefits from stepping out of the chaos of needs...etc...really heard a reminder that I can thrive if I just stop from time to time.
For it is in the silence...the stillness...that I find God. 

So as I start 2014, I am ready to focus on those things that promote a better, healthier life.  I am ready.  Ready to learn. Grow on the inside...Shrink on the outside...and Ready to Be Still...Listen and Thrive.

Before I are a few more pics of 2013!

1 comment:

  1. What a great full 2013....Happy "NEW" Year for 2014....A.C.
