Sunday, April 20, 2014

Praise for the Raise

Happy Easter to  you All!!  It has been a blessings filled weekend..with family, friends, fun, Easter Egg dying, hunting, galore and the reminder that Renewal, Revival, and the Replenishing of the spirit comes from the Risen Christ! 

I Love Easter....The Hope that springs from the Resurrection of Christ...The Forgiveness of a million lifetimes of transgressions and the Breath of Life we are given through this unbelievable act of Sacrifice.

Over the past few days...I have been blessed to share time, words, hugs...expressions of love, gratefulness with my family...those that I don't see often..but am blessed by their existence more than they know...
I have shared time with friends who provide daily support in my life and whose presence reminds me of the Eternal Hope found in God's Grace...
I have shared time with my Mom and Emily in a church service that refreshed my spirit and reminded of the Breath of Life...the opportunity that I have been given to have a relationship with invite Him on my Journey...the knowledge that even in the face of some overwhelming moments...I have the Promise of the Risen Christ.

Today...thanks to technology...I have had the privilege of getting to reach out and share the joy of this Easter season with those that I love that I could not share space with but that always have a place in my  heart! 

Truth a celebration of the Risen Christ...because  EVERYDAY...I am given the opportunity to live my life fully protected by His Love and Grace. 

Here are a few the Easter Blessings in my Life! 



As this week begins...I again will direct my focus on embracing all that will lead me further along on my Journey...My fully occupy my life...with intention...with love....with the genuine respect for the Breath Of Life that was breathed into me...given unto me and entrusted in me!
Lastly, I was perusing on Facebook ( I LOVE seeing everyone's Easter photos and messages) when I came upon this quote from April Ross (Kerri's VB partner)...I Loved it...
For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day." John 6:40

Praise for the raise 
Happy Easter! 


  1. A blessed Easter....Allalujah!!!!!! .....loved the pics of you and Tone Tone. A.C.

  2. What great pics!! Looks like you have a great family to enjoy such a special day with!! :) He is RISEN - Wahoo!!! :)
