Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff...or Even The Big Stuff

I suck at managing stress...and that stresses me out!

So part of this Journey...a part I was generally unprepared the stark reality that I wear stress like a second skin and I have a very difficult time shedding that skin!

They say (whoever "they" are) that "stress kills"...Who am I to argue?? It certainly feels like it kills...and it certainly sucks the energy out of this girl.

As part of my daily fight to light...reducing stress has been a central theme in the battle.  I have to practice reducing stress requires a very focused approach and at times, the practice pays off and I see the benefits of that practice...and then there are those times when I fall into old habits and behavior patterns that just kick my butt!

Sadly...I at times, don't even recognize some of the warning signs until I am wound tighter than an 8 day clock,  brain in overdrive and the telltale sign of physical exhaustion complete with a funky heart rhythm that is quite disconcerting! Yes...I have had the whole heart thing checked out...answer...stress/exhaustion triggers nutty heartbeat!

SO...I continue to make attempts to combat the stress...focus on the blessings....breathe through the worry...move the solutions and be willing to be willing...regardless of outcome. PRACTICE....PRACTICE....PRACTICE!

A wrinkle to the stress I experience on this Journey is the idea that I cannot rest for the wicked kind of mentality.  That I must physically and mentally keep pushing through the fatigue...keep moving at all costs or I will somehow not succeed.

So that brings me here...I am tired...heart tired and I must move out of the stress and into a solution.

So here is my own, off the cuff...5 step solution.

1st this imperfection and move on to step 2.

2nd step...Stop...take deep breaths...slow down long enough to catch my breath...

3rd step...embrace the pace of this Journey with intention..or at the very willing to embrace it with intention.

4th step...less me...more God...remember that prayer overpowers the problem and empowers the body.

5th step...rinse and repeat as often as necessary! 

One big piece of the stress puzzle...stop taking myself so seriously...stress less...laugh more and don't sweat the small stuff...or even the big stuff, for that matter!

Here are a couple little thoughts on Stress that I thought were worth sharing.

1 comment:

  1. William James quote "hit the nail on the head"....A.C.
