Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Sleepy Saturday

Good Saturday evening to you all.  It has been a low key, low activity, rainy, sleepy day!!!  I have made it through the day of  post migraine treatment blahs pretty well.  Have done a ton of sleeping!  Sometimes it is really difficult for me to just "stop"...slow my roll, take it easy, get my drift!  At times today, my mind was like...OK...get up...there are things to do...pounds to lose...but the body had a completely different agenda.  So....I have watched a couple of movies (sort of)...watched a little football (sort of ) and am recording the UT/OK State game to watch later. 

I did brave the grocery store on 2nd least favorite day to grocery shop...right behind Sunday!  This may sound funny...but grocery shopping has become sort of an event for me.  I go to the store with the full armor of as much WILL POWER as I can muster...and a mortal fear that if I get something I am not supposed to get that I will run in to someone who is reading my blog...LOL!!!  Really though...I kinda like the challenge of keeping my selections as healthy as possible.  Oh and FYI...eating healthy is a bit more expensive (monetarily speaking)  than eating unhealthy... at least in some regards...I guess if I was a vegetarian that might not be as true...but I am fresh seafood, organic produce, less processed foods...more expensive!  If you think about is actually sad that so many less expensive, easy, foods are unhealthy. 

My VB girls suffered their first defeat Friday night...and sadly I was not there.  I talked to Emily after the game and she said "Aunt Jaime...we just were not 100%...a lot of people were just tired and in bad moods"...So it sounds like I picked a good night to miss...JUST KIDDING.  Donna said the other team was bigger and better so I am sure that played a part as well.  I told Emily we would shake it off and get back to work on Tuesday!  Go Lightening Strykers...

Thanks to all of you who have sent me messages of encouragement via email, facebook, comments to the blog, text messages...each one serves as another dose of encouragement and inspiration.  I got a message from Kerri Walsh last night...more inspiration.  I have lots of angels in my life!  So much gratitude!  Thank you Kerri for taking time to inspire!!!

My friend Patsy sent me this quote below with a sweet personal message as well.  I really like the quote.  We all face obstacles, little ones, big ones and all require our energy, strength and time...but for me, the below is quite I approach those obstacles, my attitude, my willingness to stretch through the discomfort and trust that I will be stronger on the other that God has a plan for me and that the plan is PERFECT. 

"Success is determined not by whether or not you face obstacles, but by your reaction to them.  And if you look at these obstacles as a containing fence, they become your excuse for failure.  If you look at them as a hurdle, each one strengthens you for the next." ~Anon

Well...I am headed back to the couch...I hope tomorrow is filled with lots of love, fun, family and worship for all of you! 

Journey 120-"MAWA" Inspired!!!

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