Accomplishing this mini-goal feels good! First, it felt great to have a goal, prepare for it and accomplish it...but truthfully, the very best that I felt great doing it! I enjoyed it and I would and could, do it again!
I had great support from my family and friends...I had my Mom and friend Nettie to spend a fun girls weekend with... AND I had two fantastic climbing partners...Kristen and Stephen. They made the trip up the rock fun AND even met us for breakfast this morning...after having a stormy camping night that left them soaked to the bone and sleeping in their car!!!! What great troopers!!!
For all of you that sent me special messages...I thank you for your kind words and am sorry that I have been slow to respond..despite all of the techno gadgets I own...I have had a few connectivity issues this weekend.
I have more to share about this goal within a goal...but just too tired to elaborate this evening. My mind and body are ready for a rest...but my spirit is soaring...I think this weekend is going to serve as a great launch pad for the rest of this Journey!!!! I am ready for Week #30!
Goodnight and May God Bless you and Keep you!
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