Friday, July 18, 2014

Living in the I Can

Happy late Friday!

  It has been a busy day...a very long day and I am tired! But in this tiredness...I am grateful!  Grateful for the Umph builders in my life.  Those that have invested their time, energy, heart and gusto into...what seems never ending Journey to be less fluffy...more healthy!

There are days when I think I CAN'T....but the Umph builders...the cheerleaders and the motivators say I CAN.

Tomorrow we are having a garage sale fundraiser for our will be an early morning and a hot day...but I will be surrounded by a  team of my UMPH builders...and WE will be working together for a great cause! Teamwork....nothing like it!

You know...I really struggle some days with an I Can't Attitude...but I am encircled by those that believe I Can! I am surrounded by those that live in the I Can...everyday!

For that I am Grateful!  

I saw the below and loved it...It speaks to who I strive to be!

Living in the I Can!

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