Happy Thursday! I am sneaking in a quick blog post. I am trying my best to get some sleep tonight...so, I am trying to get everything done early enough that maybe that can be accomplished.
I decided to make this post a little cheer leading session...largely because I need it!! LOL!!! As soon as I leave the office, I am headed to work out and then home! No errands, laundry or any other activity that might prohibit me from shutting down this brain and hoping I can get some sleep.

Hope is good...Hope is one of my favorite words and always something that I need to be reminded that I have at my disposal...I have talked about Hope several times already and I am sure that as long as I have this task before me...I am going to have to rely on Hope along with few other things...I will save those for another discussion. I found this photo and I liked it...I liked that it represented HOPE as a one way street...For me there is only one way to accomplish this goal and that is to continue to have HOPE...In my head...HOPE encompasses many other important feelings, actions, words... such as Faith, Trust, Willingness, responsibility, accountability, humor, love, determination...I could go on...but I won't. But what I will do is post these "borrowed" pics from Google...These are my cheer leading posters for the day...These are words of encouragement, motivators! Reminders that I must continue to work at this, have fun at this, cherish this, learn from this, BALANCE this...soak up every moment of this...so that when I have accomplished the loss of 120lbs, I really will have gained so much more...and I will know it!!!

It is great that I am getting such wonderful support from family, friends, co-workers, strangers...a world class volleyball player who has 3 Olympic Gold Medals...it is mind blowing...

So tomorrow is another weigh in. I am ready...I will take whatever I get and build on it! I must not let the pace of this Journey be discouraging!!!
OK...Here is our Christmas Tune for the day
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