We spent today at my Cousin Kyle and Julie's home in Huffman! We had a good day and tried to go to the movies afterwards...a family tradition...however, Les Miserables was sold out!!! So we had to opt out! Bummer!
We managed to get some cold weather by late afternoon...so no 80 degree Christmas! YAY! As a matter of fact it was quite chilly.
I did pretty well today with food. Ate breakfast with BFF and family and reduced my portion size at lunch and completely avoided some of the more fattening foods...even had a bit of dessert. Not too much! Not to bad for a recovering Fluffy Girl!
This is the first Christmas for me on my way to a new way of doing food, life and all that goes with it. I got several fitness related gifts, ate healthier, and even got a few Mini-Goal Christmas presents. Both my Mom and Aunt bought clothes for me that are too small with a mini-goal in mind! Love that idea. Cool part..One of the many goal shirts already fits...Yay for ME!!! I got a Yoga mat, back exercise ball, pedometer, heart rate monitor, insulated water bottle with nifty case for carrying while walking. SOCKS...lots and lots of socks...my favorite. Just to name a few cool fitness gifts. It is great to have so much support!
I am ready for this next phase of this Journey. I can imagine that it will be filled with new challenges,victories, losses and gains of all kinds. I continue to be reminded of the Blessings. I think that if I keep those Blessings in sight, remain mindful that this life is a gift and make every effort to live my life with purpose and grace....I will be alright. I might even be lighter...in more ways than one! This is a fight...in a good way. This is a fight to change...in a good way and this is a fight to lose....in a good way!
It has been a great holiday...Loads of fun and a great time of celebrating the real reason for the season.
I posted this on Facebook on Christmas Eve after church and wanted to share it here:
I heard a sermon tonight that reminded me that despite all of the pain that exists in this world, that today represents the Promise of Good News. An undeniable promise that Love conquers all. A reminder that the birth of this single, remarkable child brings the Good News of the Light of the World, the Deliverer from Evil and the Life Everlasting! Merry Christmas to all of you and may the Joy and Peace of the Season fill your hearts!
As a fun little note before I go...Kerri Walsh Jennings and her family made an appearance on the Today show Christmas Eve morning. She is pregnant with her 3rd child and she, her husband Casey and their boys (Joey and Sundance) all found out on live T.V. that they will have a new baby girl in the family soon. Really sweet moment. The identity of the sex of the baby was placed on a Christmas ornament and wrapped in a box. Their family was there to see her open the box which said "Its a Girl"...so sweet! Such a great family and so lovely to see such attention given to something so positive! Really heartwarming.
Emily guessed that she would be having a girl and was quite happy when I revealed to her that she was correct. She even has a name picked out for them..Emma. Strangely close to Emily. :) I am fairly sure she is hoping that I send that suggestion on to Kerri. I am sure she will take under advisement! LOL!
Our Christmas Song of the Day:
I decided that since animals were prominent at the Birth of Christ...I would share a few of our Christmas animals...just for fun!!



Ms. Piggy
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