Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Graceful Winner

Hi has been a lovely Sunday.  We went to church at a different church today...Faithbridge UMC...I love their music and every once in a while I like to mix it up a bit...keep things interesting!

Good sermon.  Great music thanks to Lizi Bailey! Got to see a friend I have not seen in a while!  Good way to start the day!

A scripture was read this morning that really resonated with me...These words:

"God opposes the proud but gives Grace to the humble. "

Really stuck in my brain. ..

I am a competitive person. Not crazy competitive. ..but I don't mind winning.

I learned playing sports that there is a very fine line at times, between confidence and arrogance.  I learned early to respect a humble winner...and often found myself not so fond of the prideful...boastful winner.

Yesterday, while watching some highlights of a major college football game...I saw a display from a very young, very talented athlete that really turned my stomach. ..a display of boastful pride that made me hope that someone in his life will stand up and remind him that a graceful winner is an honored winner...a respected winner.

As I was thinking about that this morning, I was reminded that I want to exhibit a grace as I overcome my daily challenges. I want to stay out of my prideful self and stay in my humility. 

I think that God intended for me to have the opportunity to stand face to face with a graceful winner.  A winner in the sports world (something I love and appreciate) so that I could "see" that kind of grace in that I could be reminded of daily grace...of grace-filled humility at the very top of the food chain. . So to speak!

As you all know...the opportunity to experience that with Kerri was a pivotal moment in my Journey. ...A Gigantic God Moment!

In the pride truly came before the fall for me.  My pride paralyzed me...kept me from reaching out in humility and accepting God's Grace.
I often refused to "try" for fear of failure. ..fear of losing my dignity. pride.

God has given me SO many opportunities to be humble and to experience Grace over the past year. He met me where He knew I would be most impacted and presented me with living, breathing examples!

As I continue this Journey, I will still have multiple opportunities to let go of my pride and embrace humility as a powerful, grace giving emotion that will lead to a heathier, happier life!


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