Friday, August 29, 2014

Hope For The Miracles Yet to Come

Nothing like the Friday before a long weekend!  Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!! 

I am feeling just a tad under the I am a little anxious about boot camp this evening!  We shall see what this Fluffy Girl is made of though...cause I am going!

I had a conversation today about being know, chronically speaking! I was talking to someone about how life used to be in the not so distant past. As I was talking, I suddenly felt a huge rush of relief!  It was just one of those moments when I was viscerally aware of how much life has improved for me.  Even on a day when I really am not feeling too hot...I have the desire and energy to follow through with a workout!!!  It feels surreal. 

There have been a thousand surreal moments on this Journey...some bigger than others.  But it is the little moments...those random realizations...that seem to take my breath away...or in reality...allow me to breathe easier!

As I shared a few of my experiences about living with chronic illness...I realized the magnitude of the miracle of this Journey all over again and Trust is a miracle.

 I know that I say so many of the same things so often many accounts of what appears to be the same observation...but for me, each time I say out loud (or in writing) how blown away I am by the Power of God's Grace and the beauty of the miracle that I get to live in becomes a little more real...a lot more exciting and fills my heart with hope for the miracles yet to come!

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