I am inching closer and closer to the completion of this cleanse and things continue to be going well. I do have my food challenges but I have to say that so far this experience has been worth the challenge.
I have been asked several times in the last few days.."What benefits am I seeing from the cleanse?". I can honestly say that the most obvious is that I feel so much more "clear headed"...I think I have had a brain cleanse!!! I am generally more energetic and my glucose levels have been really good (especially in the last few days). I am glad I am doing it and I will do it again. Probably will give it another whirl in 6 or 7 months.
Tonight I took off from working out and instead got my social needs met! I had dinner with a new friend (Camille)...and an old friend (Donna). It was a really energizing night for me.
I love people...I love meeting new people and I often find myself missing that in my life. I think that when I do meet someone that I connect with immediately...it really reminds me that one way I connect with God is through people. Through people's gifts, heart and their unique spirit. I find that connection so uplifting and so rare that I jump at the chance when it presents itself. It is just another source of inspiration for me. I probably kind of make a bit of a fool of myself but I have reached a place in my life where it feels really important to tell the truth...my truth! This requires a certain vulnerability that I am not always comfortable with...but here I am...writing about it!
So tonight was another moment of uplifting inspiration with a little uncomfortable vulnerability all leading to the unique joy of a new friendship and the unique joy of a long time friendship...all in one booth!!! It gives me another reason to keep working to be a better me. So again...my heart is full!
I think that I get little notes of encouragement from God everyday..they come in different forms...but all are impactful. My job is to keep my eyes, ears, heart and mind open and waiting!

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