So...I am working on doing a few things differently this week as I said yesterday. One of the things I am doing differently this week is RE-focusing on drinking more water...As I have discussed in this blog before...I have a Love/Hate relationship with WATER!

However, as I am sure you all know..there is no diet plan, nutritionist, human...that does not insist that drinking water is a key element in losing weight! BLEEECK!
BUT...I have long since given in to every one's insistence and have for the past 8 months, been drinking water...However, I might...just might....forget sometimes. While I was doing the "cleanse"...I ONLY drank water and that was least in the world of a Fluffy Girl who once called Coca Cola---THE JUICE OF LIFE!
But...I have been slipping (instead of sipping) lately...not drinking much water...So...In an effort to continue the De-Fluffing of the Body and the Fluffing of the Attitude....I am willingly (as far as you know)...Drinking Water. I will Drink Water Daily (D.W.D)....So there!
Blessings for Today:
- Seeing Honesty pay off
- Water :)
- Funny Friends
- The opportunity to do "life" differently
- Having Friends on their own Journey
Please keep Donna's niece Randa in your prayers as she battles Cancer. Please keep my friends that have recently lost loved ones in your prayers.

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