Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Living Out Loud

Happy Tuesday to all!  I hope your day has been happy, healthy and productive!  My day has been busy...surprise, surprise.  I am don't want to wish my life away...however, I am looking forward to the end of the year when work slows down for about 10 minutes :).  Of course, I am still at work...but am hoping to leave in about an hour.  Then it is on to the gym. 

Brainstorming....I like brainstorming.  You know...just jotting down ideas freely...no rules...just getting thoughts on to paper.  It is even more fun when done with another person or better yet....a group of people.  I like the creative energy.  For example, this weekend my Mom, my cousin Julie and I were sitting around the table just talking...and the topic came up about how we might organize the charity volleyball event next year...I had been kinda stuck on exactly how I envision the event.  I had several ideas...but no real clarity.  Then Julie came up with a format and it fit perfectly for me.  I  LOVE that...I love stealing other people's ideas...JUST KIDDING!!!  Seriously though...it was perfect and now, thanks to JuJu...I can move forward to the next thing. 

SO...this brings me to my next topic...Mini-Goals and Workouts...I would like to "brainstorm" with any of you that are willing to create a list of possible workouts (for a Fluffy Girl) and possible mini-goals.  As I have said in previous posts...I have a few mini-goal ideas...but I would LOVE it if you guys could share any ideas...thoughts, Epiphanies, Burning Bush moments, AHHAAA  moments. 

Now I know you guys are busy as bees...but it would be really awesome to have a virtual brainstorming session right here.  I know some of you have found it difficult to comment here...If you are on my FB page you can certainly send your ideas there, you can send it via email, and I am pretty sure you can leave comments on the blog even if you are not a subscriber.  Send smoke signals if you have to...I need ideas, please, please, please. 

I need to keep this Journey interesting, fun, exciting, challenging, etc...I just sent a friend an email saying how important this Journey has become...not only is it shaping my future health...but it is shaping the way I want to live my life.  I want to live "out loud"....just like I am living this Journey to lose 120lbs.  Believe me when I say that it is not always comfortable for me to write these posts.  I at times, have a little "risk remorse" afterwards..but overall, every moment has been worth it!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and Thank you for your unbelievable support. 

Here is a little tidbit about circuit training.  Thought it was interesting. 


"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."  ~Albert Einstein


  1. Here are two "not so mini-goals"....

    #1. talk to your church hierarchy about having VB training year round, (starting after the holidays) like twice a month, for the benefit of next year's team. Plus you can get in some practice as well......

    #2. you would make a great Big Sister with the BIG BROTHER/SISTER program....your not having extra time would be the biggest problem there, to find time to ride bikes, take hikes, throw the ball/frisbee around with a little sister/bro. You have so much to offer a little one.

    Those are not such "mini"-goals...here are some mini's:
    Cut your daily calorie count down by 50 calories daily until you reach your desired/healthy daily calorie intake...like 1800/1900?

    See if you can find someone to partner up with to exercise (at least part of the time)

    One very important mini-goal....have no more doubts about your ability to accomplish journey 120....you'll DO IT!!!!...MAWA

    I'll keep brainstorming!! A.C.

    1. These are great!!! Thank you and keep brainstorming!

  2. mini goal....go shopping and buy a pair of pants that are one size too small. Mini goal of fitting into them within the next month. Not a size that is your "lose 120 lbs and fit in" but just the size on your journey down....MarBear
