Monday, May 27, 2013

The Fluffy Girl and 8 mile Road

Hello...I completed somewhat of a milestone today...and 8+ mile hike on a sandy, slightly hilly, tree root laden trail in the East Texas Piney Woods.

I was accompanied by the "youngsters", Kristen and Stephen.  Kristen was trying out her new 35lb backpack...for a future trip.

I was trying out my 229lb body on a trail that is more than double the distance of a 5K...the longest distance I have done since I started this Journey!!

I DID IT!   The Fluffy Girl is a hiking machine! My body may not forgive me...but I did it!  I truly enjoy being outdoors and the heavy tree canopy kept it generally cool...until the last few miles!  However...Lord save us...the last few miles were hot and my feet were love of the outdoors began to dissapate quickly and my love for air conditioning, a cool shower and my couch began to race to the forefront of my mind!

But we made it...another physical task accomplished!  Now I AM HOSED!
I am attaching a few photos. A few of mine and a few from Stephen!

After that, I am crashing...I am thankful to God for this day...this adventure and another week to learn, grow and love!

1 comment:

  1. What fun and quite an accomplishment! A.C.
