As I said last night, I feel responsible and compelled to give back to my community, the greater community around me and in honor of all of those that have supported and inspired me along this Journey.
I picked 2 charities that have meaning for me and I hope you have the time to take a few minutes and read about those charities online. Below, you will find links to both!
So I am going to try and give those of you that are new to this Journey a brief recap...For those of you that know me...You know that the word "brief" is not really in my vocabulary...but I will give it a shot.
- On August 17th, 2012 I started a Journey to lose 120lbs (in a year) will be more like 2 years
- I was inspired by the Olympic Champion Beach Volleyball team of Kerri Walsh Jennings and Misty May Treanor
- I decided that as a form of accountability, I would start this blog and post DAILY about my Journey
- I began eating healthier, working out and slowly began to lose weight
- I decided that another goal would be to, at the end of Year 1, play volleyball again...
- I post my weight and weigh ins...more accountability
- It did not take long to figure out that this Journey would be about so MUCH MORE than losing weight
- As a part of my program...I decided to challenge myself with mini-goals...mostly physical challenges
- I have completed 2 5Ks, Climbed Enchanted Rock in the Texas Hill Country, and taken an 8+ mile hike among other things along the way!
- Thanks to the existence of Twitter, The Grace of God, and the big heart of Kerri Walsh...(with a little of my own persistence) I have had the opportunity to meet Kerri, climb a 100 ft sand dune with her in Manhattan Beach, CA and experience what for me...turns out...was a life changing moment.
- I have received so many amazing words of kindness, comfort, love, support..that each day I am confident that this Journey is Divinely guided.
- Thanks to the sharp mind of one of my young co-workers...I decided to make my Anniversary Volleyball game a charity event.
- I chose the two charities mentioned above for reasons close to my heart. Cy Hope is an organization that started in the church my Mom and I attend and it benefits kids within the community I live in...providing resources to kids who may not have access to healthy activities including Art, music, education and of course, sports!!!
- Good Tidings Foundation is another charity I chose with a very similar mission as Cy-Hope only serving communities in the Greater San Francisco area...Kerri's hometown. This is a charity she I wanted to donate a portion of our proceeds in honor of her!
- I have shared my guts in this blog...the good, the bad and the not so pretty.
- I have learned that losing weight is not just about eating less and losing pounds...
- I have learned that food is an addiction for me...a comforter and a way to ease pain (both physical and emotional)
- I am learning that with each experience I have...good or bad, that blessings abound on the other side!!!
- I am learning that God is not quite done with me yet...
- I am learning to have patience and tolerance for myself as I navigate through what feels like a HUGE life lesson...physically, emotionally and spiritually
- I am learning that crying at inopportune moments, though better than eating a cupcake in lieu of the tears! LOL
- I am learning that despite the sometimes menacing voice in my head that says I am not going to be successful...that each day that I complete along this Journey IS a success.
- I KNOW that I am Blessed
- I KNOW that I am surrounded by a group of amazing people who are loving me through this Journey.
- I have faith that if I stay in God's light and on His chosen path...I am good...

So when I started this Journey I said it was MAWA Inspired (MAWA..being the moniker for Misty May and Kerri Walsh)...It still is...However, I must admit that there are so many other things that inspire me on a daily basis...I have lots of kind hearts and wise souls in my life.
Many have been in my life a long time...and a few are gifts of the past year...ALL are blessings!
I know some people are not all that comfortable with I love you's...I suppose it can be a risky phrase to say...
But...I do love each and every one of you for the gifts you represent along this Journey!
There I said it!!!
On August 24th, 2013..our inaugural volleyball charity event will take place..I so hope you can be there!!!
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