Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Words of Wisdom-Right Words, Right Time, Right Way

One day closer to the Big Day!!!!  Getting more and more excited each day!  Ready to climb and ready to work hard!

Over the last couple of days, I again...have been blessed with knowing that God is actively working in my daily life...I know God works in my life EVERY day...but I must admit, I don't always know it...I don't always "get" it on a deeper level.  When I do...it just amazes me!  At times..it is just a little small thing...like a little God sticky note...and at other times....it is a big thing...like one of those giant banners being pulled across the sky by a plane...you know...like a big advertisement...a wonderful reminder of how Big God is and a reminder that He can work His Way even into the smallest moments.

I am reminded through my friends and family of the strength that God provides...a collection of funny moments, smiles, sweet words, impactful words...Great Words...which brings me to a moment..or a series of moments that I have had over the past couple of days. 
I have a friend that I have met since I have been on this Journey...we mostly communicate via email...busy lives, jobs...etc...make that the easiest way to talk.  Now I must own..that I generally am not a big fan of using email as a primary way to communicate...unless it is business.  However, I receive so many gifts from our friendship...so many worthwhile moments in those emails...it really reminds me regularly the importance of "words"...the importance of how words are used...the wisdom in our words and the chances we have to touch others lives with the words we use.
She told me about a sermon she heard last Sunday by a minister that I really like named Ben Stuart. He primarily speaks to college aged students and has a ministry at Texas A&M.  The sermon really touched on some topics that really hit home for me...Some areas of my life that I need to focus on...but one thing he said that I really loved is this:
The Definition of Words of Wisdom:
The Right Words
Spoken at the Right Time
In the Right Way

He also stated that a fool is "someone who divorces choices from consequences"

Our words mean something...they leave a mark which can be either good or bad...He says...that words can breathe life or death on someones spirit...I love that...He goes on to say that words can create a friendship and can destroy a friendship.

It was a great sermon for me...It was a gift that I got to hear it...even know about it...you see, for me it felt like that sermon was written by God for my heart...all possible through Words of Wisdom from a friend!  In my opinion, that is no accident...that is a God sticky note...or in this case...a Banner moment from God...

Now...there are all kinds of God sticky notes..some are funny...another friend sent me the below this evening...little did she know that as she sent it...I was counting calories...to try to determine what I could eat for dinner...

For me, that was no accident either...Another Sticky note...just really funny and true!!!
Truthfully...my day, my week, my life... is full of God sticky notes...and banner moments...and Words of Wisdom are key...they are conveyed to me from friends, family, strangers...songs...books...etc..
I have always said...I love words...I use them a LOT!!!! My high school English teacher even went as far as to suggest that I might be a bit "verbose"...WHO? ME?

This blog...this place that I get to use as many words as I like...is such an amazing gift...the fact that anyone reads them...well...that is just pure heaven!  I love an audience!!!  But more importantly...much more so...is ALL of the amazing Words of Wisdom I receive in return!!! The Right Words...At the Right time and in The Right Way.

So again...I have to thank all of you...thank you for your kind words...your funny words...your honest words, your loving words...all wise and all appreciated!!! 

Thank you to Camille, Lindsey and Ben Stuart for tonight's inspiration!

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