Sunday, October 27, 2013

Living for the Adventure-Not for Nothing

Hello...and a Happy Sunday to you!  I actually slept in today....after a busy Saturday...a big ole allergy attack AND staying up really late to see if Kerri and April won in China....I was a little hosed today!

So...Kerri and April DID WIN!! This makes Kerri the winningest Women's Beach Volleyball player EVER! How cool is that!! She now has 113 career wins surpassing Misty May Treanor with 112.

She inspires again...after watching her struggle last weekend...still give 150% of her heart...leave her half way around the world and beat the #1 ranked team in the world to win more tournaments than any woman before her.....I figure I can push through a little fatigue...get in my 2.5 minutes to the gym...and lift a few weights...

Maybe...just maybe...I will become the World's Losingiest Fluffy Girl! maybe not a REAL title...but still...something to fight for! was one of those days I woke up feeling like I was already losing...and not in a good way.  I just have these days...days where stress and fatigue or worry seem to get a jump on me...and I get caught up in the chaos.

I lose sight of what I could see yesterday. Lose sight of the peace that comes with the knowledge that everything is always alright...again....maybe not like I planned, but Always as God Planned.

In the midst of my short term memory loss...I find myself in some kind of angst...knots in stomach...overwhelmed mind...fidgeting and fretting...So tonight I REALLY needed my decompression time...time to pray.. write...think...think less...and then just focus on All the Good...all the blessings.
Letting go of the regrets...the shoulds...coulds and woulds...

I am a work in imperfect person working on being comfortable with that fact...the imperfections...working on losing the things that weigh me down...both literally and figuratively...working on stretching my physical, emotional and spiritual muscles eveyday.  Working on gaining perspective...gaining confidence....gaining experience. ..growing my faith and opening my heart to all the possibilities...opening my life to the God Direction...

My friend Brigette sent me this today...

"Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." ~Helen Keller

Living Life to the Fullest...experiencing every moment...learning...laughing...loving...overcoming...ALL of these are key to my Journey...I will not let fear hold me back.  I AM living for the Adventure...Not For Nothing!



  1. I love to read your blog. Your honest reflections about life keep you grounded and help to focus on the truly important things in life. Thanks for being you. Press on my friend!

    1. Hey Robyn...Thank you so very much!!! These comments and thoughts from my friends keep me moving forward. Thanks for the push!

  2. Morning "dimples"....A.C.

  3. I love your blog Jaime. It is so inspiring. Thank you!!!

    1. Thank you!!! These comments do the inspiring for me!!!
