Hello Saturday! Hope everyone is well into enjoying the weekend. My day has been nice. Lazy morning and then spent some time with my BFF...we went for a walk...a strolly (not a word), leisurely, casual kind of walk at a really nice park not too far from our neighborhood! We walked and talked and it was nice...we do not get to do that too often! Here I am at the park!
It is a really nice park and has all of these cool inspirational quotes imprinted in the concrete sidewalk and painted along the concrete pavers and bulkhead in the park!
This says...."Delight in the Beauty that Surrounds You"
I like that...there is beauty ALL around me...and having that phrase staring back at me while I am walking along on this Journey is a good reminder. It was a pleasant place to spend an hour or so!
After my time with Donna...I had to get my Tone Tone some meds..she has a big old nasty ear ache!! So if you can include her in your prayers tonite that would be great! Since Tone Tone needed to stay in...I cooked! I cooked and we ate and we are both still alive...that is a cooking success story for me.
I baked chicken...made an angel hair pasta lightly tossed in a cherry tomato, onion, fresh garlic and mushroom saute in a little extra virgin olive oil. Made fresh Calabaza squash diced with a little onion, poultry seasoning, celery seasoning, parsley and a bit of agave nectar...It was not too bad...I suck at seasoning food well. I don't know why...I never seem to quite get the flavor in food that really good cooks do...oh well. Again...We survived and it was edible! Here is the funny thing about me and cooking...I cook like a LINEBACKER HITS...I have every dish, pot, utensil, skillet out and in use...the kitchen looks like a war zone...BUT...cleaned up most of mess as I went along!!
Tomorrow will be busy...church with Emily and her friend Emily (I only let Emily bring friends with her that have the same name...makes keeping them in line much easier) TEASING! Anyway...we are all going to church and then Mom and I are headed up to The Woodlands to celebrate my friend Stef's birthday! Should be a fun day.
Tomorrow is FOOTBALL. The Houston Texans will be heading into Foxborough Mass. to face the New England Patriots...They handed us our hat a few weeks back so I am ready for a little healthy revenge!!! Time to be INSPIRED!!!! We are going in as the underdog...Sometimes being the Underdog can be good...in sports and in life, being underestimated can be a strong advantage...When no one expects you to succeed...success is so much sweeter! Go TEXANS!!!

Have a great Sunday. May God Bless you and Keep you!!!
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