So that means that not everyday is perfect or ever even close to perfect. For those of you that consistently follow along...I would imagine that it feels a bit like a roller coaster here...reading this everyday. Kudos to you for having the patience to read this day in and day out and congratulations for not getting nauseated after 5 months on a roller coaster!!!
Some days(weeks) are just tougher than others. It is funny to me in a way. I feel all of the things that I talk about regularly, Faith, Love...all of my favorite warm and fuzzy stuff and amidst that... are days like the past several.
It feels a little disingenuous to talk about having Faith and how much I believe in the Divinity of this Journey and then turn around and talk about struggling...but that is the reality of this process for me. Truth is...this week has been challenge. Coming off a week of fairly intense physical pain, coupled with my continuing struggles with not working too many hours, learning to eat for sustenance and not entertainment and the sometimes agonizingly slow pace of the weight loss, I am finding this week to be a struggle. If I factor in what I think is a heavy dose of hormonal imbalance... it makes this challenging...more challenging than normal.
So...I will take today at its face value. Here is what I do know. What is happening Today does not dictate my Tomorrow. I have felt a strong desire to just "Be Quiet". It has been on my mind all week and though I have made some efforts to shut down my "busy brain"...I think I need to make a little more of a concerted effort.
Tomorrow is Weigh In #24 and I am not feeling too optimistic..But as I like to say...It is What It is!
Thank you for reading this blog...The Good, The Bad and The Not So Pretty(for my friend Camille who does not like the word ugly...I agree)! It really does mean the world to me!
As I go...I am leaving with this thought...mainly because I need it...but I hope some of you may be blessed by these words as well.

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