Happy Friday all...and it is a Happy Friday indeed!!!! I lost 2lbs this week...Can I get an AMEN!!! Given that my post did not actually POST last night...I posted a little blurb earlier explaining what happened yesterday. But THIS is my real Friday post. It feels good to have lost another couple of pounds. I needed that! It helps with the whole motivation thing when I actually lose weight!
I am ready for the weekend. I am still at work but will be leaving shortly. I am hoping to finish some house cleaning....get a good workout in and watch my HOUSTON TEXANS defy the odds and beat the New England Patriots...I don't care if it is by 1pt....just would like to see them get the win!!!
I am preparing to make some additional changes to my plan in the next few weeks. I have some options that I did not know I was going to have...so I am excited. I contacted a nutritionist here in Houston and Kerri Walsh has been kind enough to pass on some information about a cleanse program she does! Who ever thought I would be so excited about a cleanse and given that I have an irrational fear of weird beverages... I am so not kidding...it is even more bizarre!
I am feeling newly inspired today...I have generally been inspired the WHOLE time but it is funny what losing a couple of pounds and new opportunities can do to stoke the flames!!!
I am so grateful for all of the support. I LOVE the comments, funny thoughts, suggestions, etc...so wonderful to know that you guys are out and are cheering me on! This is so not possible without that kind of support...at least not for me. I NEED THE LOVE!!!! SHOW ME THE LOVE!!!
My fabulous friend Brig sent me this funny below...Definitely blog worthy!!!

Aww...I miss bacon! Here is one of my favorite comedian's take on bacon...Jim Gaffigan!
Before I go...I read a blog post from a woman who has lost over 200 pounds in the last 17 months...she had weight loss surgery..but let me tell you, I have known several people who have had some type of weight loss surgery and if you are going to really lose a significant amount of weight (i.e. 200+lbs), there is work involved. There has to be a commitment to change, emotionally and physically. Anyway...she posted recently some of the really hateful comments people post on her blog...negative, demeaning, hate-filled, profanity laced comments regarding her worth...her value as a human being. Let me say...I do not know her personally nor have I followed her blog long. But let me say this...we all have at least once in are lives...if not more, made a judgement, have distrusted...even disliked people that are different than us...just because they are different. You know...I have done it! But man...to see what people take the time to write to a person that they don't even know...the time and energy that it takes to be that hateful and thoughtless...It made me mad and my heart broke for her.
I have said this before and I will say it again...I have been blessed. I never really had to endure the severe harassment or bullying associated with being overweight...I may be to mean to be picked on!!!! But...I have certainly been singled out because of my weight and for those of you that know me well...know that my weight was scrutinized and criticized during my music career...even by people I knew well. AND News Flash...it hurt...it was at times, devastating! But...I no longer find that kind of behavior acceptable. I was told it was just part of the "business"...they are lucky that I bought that line at 22 years old... because at 45... that dog won't hunt (as we say here in Texas). Over the years...I have had employers, not so good "friends" and acquaintances say negative or thinly veiled negative comments about my weight...at times it hurt and at times I thought...how miserable they must be to need to hurt others. That pain must be unbearable!
I just wanted to acknowledge that I support her and how painful that must be for her. I am posting her blog site here and if, only if...any of you are so inclined... I thought it would be nice to send her a word of encouragement. We all need them...and We all deserve them.
Have a blessed Friday evening and thank you for reading my words and sharing your hearts!!!
Jim Gaffigan....what a bright spot!....he found the source of all "bacon".. hehehehehehehhhehhe , loved it and Brig's t-shirt just warmed me up for the laughter. A.C.